الوهلة الاولي حينما تقع عينك علي لوحات الفنان وجيه يسي في أحدث معارضه العزف بالالوان 2 والذي نحن بصدده الان بجاليري دروب بجاردن سيتي، تستشعر أنك أمام تكوين فني يلعب فيه العنصر اللوني دور البطولة في المجمل العام وليس كما اعتدنا من الفنان في السابق أن تسيطر علي معارضه فقط رسم البورتريهات والطبيعة الصامتة بل جاء معرضه الجاري مغايرا ومعبرا عن شخوص إنسانية تكاد تكون كاملة مصوغة بحركات ترددية دورانية مستلهما إياها من الإيقاعات الصوفية كدعوة منه لدعم القيم الصوفية والأخلاقية من خلال تناوله الفني، ليتحرر الفنان من حالة السكون متخذاً مسلكا حركيا تتوه داخله الملامح البشرية والتي من خلال إيقاعها الحركي يعلو المردود والحس اللوني باللوحات.
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فبلمسات تجريدية وأسلوب يغلب عليه الطابع التعبيري قدم وجيه يسي نحو 30 لوحة فنية تضافرت فيها الخامات والألوان الزيتية والمائية والاكريلك ليواصل ويتواصل مع محبي الجمال عزفه بالألوان مستخدما ضربات فرشاته القوية التي قد يراها البعض عفوية وإنما تحوي الاتزان والتمرس الابداعي، ومن المقرر ان يستمر المعرض حتي 24 من الشهر الجاري.
وجيه يس يعزف بالالوان المصدر: الأهرام اليومى بقلم: رانيا الدماصي – ابريل 2014
المصدر: digital.ahram.org.eg/Arts.aspx?Serial=1586692
رابط لمزيد من صور اعمال الفنان وجيه يس
Wagih Yassa
Yassa is a passionate painter and a master water-colorist. With a particular focus on portraiture, Yassa is infamous for his delicate emotional portraits. Living between Canada & Egypt, he has worked in the arts in both countries. He has been commissioned to create artwork for several prestigious institutions & individuals in Canada, the USA and Egypt.
Yassa is also on Toronto’s Board of Education, teaching Fine Art & Painting. He has also done many press illustrations, working as a successful illustrator at Rose al-Youssef magazine and Sabah al-Kheir magazines. Yassa is a member of the prestigious Canadian Portrait Society and the Canadian Watercolour Society. source: arts-mart.com/en/artist/wagih-yassa
“Serenading with Colours (2)”, is the newest exhibition of oil, aquarelle and acrylic paintings by artist Wagih Yassa currently on show at the Duroub gallery located in Garden City. The theme of the exhibition revolves around the Mawlawiya troupe that represented third of the paintings on show which showcases 31 works. They depict the rhythms of the revolving of the Sufis in circles until they reach a state of ecstasy.
According to the gallery curator Sawsan Salem, “This second exhibition of the artist carrying the same name of his first one that was also held in April in the gallery is entirely different because the themes then varied between portraiture, still life and folk art.” In this current exhibition, Yassa made a brilliant use of aquarelle and oil as his favourite mediums and he relied on the movement on the contrary of the previous exhibition that was overwhelmed by the theme of silence.
Significantly enough, the choice of the title of the exhibition reflects the ability of the artist to play with a very vibrant and rich palette of colours in a very simple way.
Yassa gained his popularity as a portrait master and he is internationally acclaimed because he lives half the year in Egypt and the other half in Canada. He also present programmes on a Canadian television channel. He is one of the illustrators of Rose Al-Youssef magazine and he also had the privilege of designing the covers of Naguib Mahfouz novels translated into English at the American University in Cairo Press department. He is a member in the Canadian Society of Portraits and the Canadian Society of Aquarelle and has acquisitions on permanent display in Egypt, Canada, the United States and the United Arab Emirates. Source: weekly.ahram.org.eg/News/5948/43/Art.aspx
Liquid Hues; Wagih Yassa shows us the vigorous interaction of watercolors
Leading watercolor painter Wagih Yassa integrated his second solo exhibition at the Doroub Gallery in Garden City.
Serenading with Colors, the show is a veritable symphony of some 30 paintings in oil as well as watercolors showing Yassa’s fascination of portraits and still life.
The painting that stands out the most in this collection is one that depicts a beautiful baby girl. The palette of the painting is rather cheerful with pink prevailing; this contrasts with the sad expression the child’s face.
“Painting models and still life cannot grow old or too classic, as some might believe; it is all about the way the artist sees the subject and the way he infuses his own spirit into,” Yassa explains.
“I love watercolors more than other medium,” the self-educated artist says, “because of the beauty they impart. I like this transparent nature of theirs.”
Born in 1955 in Cairo, Yassa graduated from Cairo University, later he moved to Canada. Now, Yassa divides his time between Cairo and Toronto, producing more work in his birthplace.
Yassa is involved in many art associations in Canada and internationally. He has participated in many group exhibitions. Source: Nadine Mourad – I am an aspiring writer and painter. Currently studying to become a journalist.