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الفنان سهيل بدور…سوريا
عضو اتحاد الفنانين التشكيليين العرب
عضو شرف بالمركز العالمي للفن الاسيوي.امريكا
عضو تجمع الفنانين المحترفين لشرق اسيا
عضو جمعية الامارات للفنون التشكيليه
“معارض جماعيه وفرديه”
اكثر من 70 معرض فردي ومشترك في “سوريا.لبنان.الاردن.عمان.مصر.الجزائر.تونس.تركيا.اليونان.ايطاليا.فرنسا.اسبانيا.ايرلندا.استراليا.امريكا
جامعة كريتين.نبراسكا
دعوة خاصه من المركز العالمي للفن الاسيوي امريكا
دعوه من مركز البيمس ارت امريكا
دعوه من مركز كاميل هاردينغ نيلسون سنتر امريكا
الملتقى الدولي الثاني فى دمشق سوريا
ملتقى اهدن العالمي .لبنان
ملتقى النحت الدولي .ملبورن استراليا
ملتقى الباليتا 2 الاردن
ملتقى باتراس اليونان
ملتقى البحر الابيض المتوسط .الاسكندريه مصر
ملتقى لوحه وقصده العربي .عمان الاردن
ملتقى الارض .طهران ايران
ملتقى الاقصر .مصر
الصالون المتوسطي.سطيف الجزائر
المعرض الدولي الحمامات تونس
باحث وناقد تشكيلي كتب للصحافه العربيه والخليجيه
شاعر وقاص صدر له 4 مجموعات شعريه
عمل بالمسرح لمده عشر اعوام في سوريا
اقام ورش عمل في الامارات بنغلادش سويسرا امريكا تركيا
متفرغ للعمل الفني
يقيم بين دبي وسويسرا
عضو عدة لجان تحكيم
الامارات .عمان.ايران.الهند
سهيل شعبان بدور
مواليد سوريا1957
عضو نقابه الفنون الجميله بسوريا
عضو اتحاد الفنانين التشكيلين العرب
عضو جمعيه الفنون التشكيليه بالامارات
المعارض الشخصيه
المركز الثقافى الالمانى بدمشق
معهد غوته
متحف دير عطيه
المركز الثقافى السويداء
المركز الثقافى العربى
صاله عشتار
رواق الشارقه للفنون
النادى الاهلى دبى
المجمع الثقافى بابو ظبى
فندق كلاريج دبى
ايبس اوتيل مركز دبى للتجاره العالميه
مركز ميركاتو دبى
الجامعه الامريكيه الشارقه
المعارض المشتركه
اقام معارض مشتركه فى كل من مصر وسوريا تركيا اليونان ايطاليا فرنسا بلجيكا النمسا سويسرا هولندا الامارات اسبانيا
سفاره الهند بدبى
اشترك بالملتقى العالمى فى اهدن لبنان اشترك ببنالى الشارقه 4 دورات
شاعر وباحث تشكيلى
كتب للصحافه العربيه فى الفن التشكيلى
له بحوث ودراسات نشرت فى الكثير من الصحف والدوريات العربيه
كتب القصه القصيره
له ثلاث مجموعات شعريه
متفرغ للعمل الفنى وله معرض دائم بمركز ميركاتو بدبى .الجميرا الامارات العربيه المتحده
اقام الكثير من الورشات الفنيه الفرديه والجماعيه
له مقتنيات فى سوريا الامارات مصر تركيا اليونان ايطاليا فرنسا النمسا سويسرا امريكا اليابان استراليا بلجيكا هولندا ايرلندا اسبانيا النرويج
A master of art and Arabic literature in the Syrian tradition, Suheil Baddor has created over five thousand works of art during his thirty-five year professional career. His art has been featured in over thirty-five solo exhibitions and at least twice as many group exhibitions, including four times in the Sharjah Biennial and every year since 1985 in the annual Syrian professional artist exhibition.
His creations include characterizations on stage and screen, and original Arabic poems and short stories, but he is best known for his sculptures and fine art paintings in acrylic, oil and watercolor. His sculptures in wood, bronze, granite and marble have been recognized as major contributions to the field of sculpture. Suheil has been the subject of and has contributed to numerous art and culture commentaries in the Arabic press.
Born in Latakia, Syria in 1957
Attended Damascus University
After a year studying philosophy, Suheil studied art for three more years with such masters as Saaid Makhlof, Fatah Al Moudares, Mamoud Hamad and Naseer Shurah.
Actor and singer 1977-86: Participated in several productions on stage, screen and TV.
Baddor Sculpture Atelier – Latkia
Taught students
created hundreds of wood sculptures, one over two meters tall
contributed art to numerous charitable causes
Volunteered at government centers for handicapped children in Latkia and Damascus
Solo Exhibitions
Including Dir Attyah Museum, Arab Cultural Centre, Al Sweida, Goethe Institute, Imar Gallery, Ushtar Gallery, Russian Cultural Foundation and Damascus Gallery.
Traveller for Peace
Bicycle journey from Damascus to Paris
Endorsed by Greenpeace
Conducted art exhibitions and workshops in towns throughout Turkey, Bulgaria, Greece, Italy and France
Poet and Art Critic
Another Form of Melancholy
Arabic poetry book published in 1986
Joys of a Burning Heart
Arabic poetry and short stories book published in 1989.
Mirror of Ashes
Arabic poetry book published 2003.
Art and Culture Critic for Newspapers & Magazines including
Teshreen, Al Hadaf, Al Thaora
Professional Artist
Full-time in U.A.E.
1991 – present
Received support from
Abu Dhabi Culture Foundation 1991 – 1995
Sharjah museum visual art experience seven years
Sheikh Sultan of Sharjah 1995-2002
Maintained personal gallery
Sharjah 1995-2002
Green Community Gallery 2002-2006
Mercato Mall Art Village 2006-7
Provided many artworks to humanitarian organizations.
Solo Exhibitions
Dubai including Al Ahli Club, Mercato Mall, Ibis Hotel, American University,
Abu Dhabi including Cultural Complex, Culture Foundation, and Tourist Club
Sharjah including Beit el Fanan
Cairo, Egypt and Australia
International Presence
Artworks now in Austria, Turkey Greece, Italy, Ireland, France, Netherlands, Australia and Egypt in addition to Syria and U.A.E.
In permanent collection of the Sharjah Museum and the Ministry of Culture in Syria.
Press Reviews translated from Arabic
Suheil Baddor may be unseen in his own country, but he’s known in other parts of the world. I was amazed to see him inside his workshop surrounded by fire and electricity, and then I was even more amazed to watch his craziness outside. He is a complicated character: started life shining shoes, then became a singer in cheap pubs until he became a known sculptor and a real fine artist.
Adel Hadeedy / Author, Journalist / Tishreen Newspaper
September 08th 2003
In his works you find surprise; …. colors that give you the sense of creation…with unlimited imagination. His works deal with the deep feelings of a human being…..
Fadia Dalla/poet, journalist / Al Ittihad Newspaper / Sep. 10th 2004
The works of Suheil Baddor give the viewer a feeling of freedom from pressure. They seem to flow so easily from that valuable background which is the heritage of an old civilization. He offers ancient values with modern technique.
Adeeb Makhzoum/critic/Al Thawra Newspaper
November 09th 2003
Suheil is the sculptor of the dream. …. He wants to speak for us… to say what we are ashamed of.
PhD. Yousif Eidaby/critic, researcher
Cultural Department Sharjah
Suheil brings us closer to other people and creatures to feel the soul inside them, to catch and hope. He puts us face to face with the difficult questions… deep inside our memories.
Ahmad Farhat/Al Khalij Newspaper
December 04th 2000
The Syrian artist, Suheil Baddor, deserves to be highlighted and studied, for his ability to go beyond the norm. He gives you more than one tone with one harmony, many interpretations. He has confidence; he knows exactly where he is going.
Omran Qaisi/critic, researcher, artist/Aug. 30th 2004.
Everything he does attracts you, even his madness. So you can not leave before catching some of his soul. He deals with life as a play on a stage, with a extraordinary ability; he has done something important for Syrian sculpture.
Mamdouh Adwan/Author
Suheil understands that art and nature are not the same. He offers through art what nature lacks in order to create the beauty of this earth, not through the rules; as if he is trying to recreate nature through his heart and color to reach the point of the real love of life which is mixed with the old civilization.
Firas Sawwah
Author, researcher
Humans are the song of the earth
Humans are the song of the earth
Happiness is the port, sail, and destination
Do not fall back in front of cold walls to a time of fire and forgetting
Recall the journey from the time of your birth
You know me and I know you.
Loving you while searching for your center as birds search for light and worms
In my colors I love you and this love transports me to eternal love
I cross the streets, the towns, the countries to see your faces
And to blend with you in a dream as we pass beneath the street lights
The smiles of children and the suffering of the world are in my songs
Greetings when I draw you…and when you draw me
Greetings when we draw the green rain.
originally written in Arabic by Suheil Baddor
My hands are full of laughter
Nothing touches my lips but my hands are full of laughter
Tiredness leaks from my arms as after a long journey
In my loneliness I miss my bed with its dreams and its promise of tomorrow
The girl who inhabited my dreams is making status her happiness and sun
She is carrying luggage.
We draw spaces that lead to the heart
So come to change our addresses
We plant songs and love in new cities amid poor people
We paint north south east west with the same pure love
And leave messages on the trees
Whose leaves fall without addresses
Waiting for you
Waiting for you
Longing to escape to mornings with eternal newness.
originally written in Arabic by Suheil Baddor