أثر اللون..أم لون الأثر؟
على منوال مجموعة من زملائه الفنانين الشباب الذين اختاروا ساحة التعبير التجريدي المعتمد على حرية الانتقال الخطي واللوني فوق السند، ينشغل الفنان سعيد لبيض بالبحث في اللون والأثر والعلاقات البصرية القائمة بينهما بتنويع السند والمقاسات.
في أعماله الصباغية التي يقترحها لهذا المعرض، يتضح النزوع الحركي Gestuel- للفنان الذي يسعى إلى اكتشاف سرائر اللون والمادة عبر الممارسة السريعة والمعالجة المباشرة دون تحضير مسبق. فهو يراهن على حالات التصادم والامتزاج والتبصيمات التي تترك آثارا متنوعة على اللوحة كحالة بصرية تمتد لإيقاعات وحركات الجسد أثناء الاشتغال.
لقد سبق لي معاينة بعض اللوحات السابقة التي أبدعها الفنان لبيض والتي لم تكن مستقرة على أسلوب محدّد، لكنها أسّست على ما يبدو لاختيار صباغي آخر مغاير يرتبط بالكينونة وبالتجربة الذاتية أكثر من التقيّد بالعالم المرئي.
هكذا وبحماس ملحوظ، يلج الفنان لبيض مجال التلوين اللاتمثيلي وإنتاج اللوحة التجريدية بشكل مقبول قد ينبئ بمستقبل واعد شريطة مواصلة البحث الصباغي وتعميق التجريب والإخلاص لشروط ومتطلبات الإبداع الحديث..
سعيد لبيض – said labiad
ابراهيم الحَيْسن.
• Biography
Said Labiad
Born 20/05/1976 in Tiznit. Lives and works in Agadir.
Art teacher in Agadir
Degree of regional education center. (Arts section)
Member of the association, Culture Arts, Lecco (Italy)
Founder member of the association ‘Blue Horizon’ of Fine Arts in Agadir
Active member of the regional delegation of the Union of Plastic Artists from the region of Souss-Massa-Daraa.
Solo Exhibitions:
2010: Municipal Museum of the Amazigh heritage Agadir
2008: Agadir gallery Marone
2003: LUCA ARTE Gallery Lecco (Italy)
2002: the town hall of Nemi Rome (Italy)
2001: the town hall of Nemi Rome (Italy)
2000: the town hall of the town of Nemi Rome (Italy)
2010: Kasbah Taourirt in Ouarzazate in Morocco.
2008: Union of visual artists at the National Gallery Rabat Bab Ruach
2008: Regional delegation of the Union of Plastic Artists from the region of Souss-Massa-Daraa municipal museum Agadir
2008: Association ‘Blue Horizon’, City Museum of Agadir
2008: Union of visual artists in the theater Mohamed V
2005: House of Youth and Sports in Agadir
2004: Medina of Agadir
2002: 3rd Festival of Arts and Culture Immagimondo, Osnago Milan (Italy)
1996: La Mamounia hotel in Marrakesh
1994: Hotel de Tiznit
When the light shaking in the dark cloths Said Labiad
Said Labiad, the young heel, passionate black color as authoritarian in its non-figurative paintings, undermines and seeks unearthed in the rubble of colors, a quest for artistic charm. Said the artist, like many young people, the gardens of art in Morocco, has selected the abstract pictorial expression. Fan major Western painters who have marked their footprints in the fifth and sixth decade of the last century, such as Hans Hartung, Franz Kline, Pierre Soulages, Said in his approach, builds himself. It develops its own path guided, safe and moderately well in this story of art
Said work on major media formats. So it is by his body movement, which accounts for the need to create. To transform its blank it involved spontaneous gesture by sudden and rapid. It washes superimposed spots of color without specific plans as though clears restored. Squeegee IT returns more chromatic shades darker or dark dances, so that eventually the black rectangle that often dominates the foreground .
Finally Labiad’s work, once completed, it does neither message, nor speech. But it waters your feelings and your retina a color balance and contrast vital.
White and black and if you want the light and dark, and all color shades, blend in what looks like a real fight where the basic white background black inserts on the front which seems often shifted from the bottom of the canvas.
It seems that the artist painted a dawn to him, or a dawn that invites us, the spectator, in this dynamic game where the light always find a loophole to arise in light and denounce the hegemony of the dark.
It also means that the black emperor, when he is not absolute, seems generous, since it crystallizes the harmony of other colors and make them look away, where they form, in alliance with the dark, a work lyrical abstraction, which leads us to the enjoyment of the magical charm of an art which disfigured the body is at zero degree.
Said therefore, its media landscape in black color, sometimes translucent, white background, to make us share beyond the dark and black and metaphor.
This beautiful experience on chromatic contrast and motion, reveals the rich potential of light on a canvas without referring to the color and contrasts to appreciate art.
Do not rush it if you walk past a work of Said Labiad, it will be necessary, it will ignite in you a feeling of heart maybe.
AZDEM Abdeslem
Art lover