Omar Jhan born in misurata ,libya . BA in philosophy and sociology – faculty of Art Benghazi Libya . 1975 Free Lance studies in Art . 1976 moved and lives in Cairo,EGYPT. He Has three books ready for puplishing:
Invalid Displayed Gallery
- Abstract Experience .
- The masks.
- Lobyiat ( Ancient Libya) .
Many writes and art criric wrote about his works as : Asaad Orabi , Mohammed Hamza , Eiz Aldeen Najeeb , Mahmood Bagshish , Rafeet Sallam, Fathi Aribi , MostafaKhalil , Majed Yousif , AmjadRayan , Jamal Algasas, Maher Hassan , Kareem Abdelsalam , and Mohammed Annabh …….. (OMARJHAN A LIBYAN PAINTER WHO came to Egypt to pursue his universty studies in philosophy ,decided to dedicate himself to the pracice of art.
He was able to create for himself a position in the Egyptian art sceneas an origonal and independent artist. An intellectual artist associated with the literary movement, he co-founded the Ida’ah 77 literary group, thus becoming a link between the litrary movement and the art world. He has designed many independet publication, a series of books published by the Ministry of culture, and was deeply involved in launching NOKOSH, arun of publication dealing with fine arts. The wide span of Omar’s interests makes him a unique artists with a rele-vant role to the Egyptian cultural movement.) Moustafa khalil ( MEDINA) 98 p: 108