ديلاور عمر ، فنان تشكيلي كردي سوري ولد في مدينة ديرك 1986. بدأ الرسم كهواية في صغره حيث كان يملأ دفاتر رسمه بالألوان والرسومات ولا يكتفي بدفاتره بل يملاً دفاتر أخوته أيضاً وعلى مقاعد المدرسة.
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تطوّر حب اللوحة لديه إلى علاقة غرام وشوق، تناغم وانسجام فدأب على تصقيل موهبته بدراسة وتأمل لوحات الكبار مرارا وطويلا ً كالعالمي فان كوخ والفنانين المحليين زهير حسيب وبهرم حاجو وغيرهم، لوحاته قصص ثائرة دائمة البحث عن الحقيقة ،دائمة البحث عن المظلومين أينما كانوا، وفي زوايا لوحاته إضاءة ناعمة كجدول دائم الانسياب فلا عجب أن أعتبر أحد الأساتذة مجموعة من لوحاته كمنظمة حقوقية تهتم بحقوق الإنسان أو بحقوق المرأة. المرأة لديه هي الحياة وجسر للآخرين لاجتياز الحياة بنجاح.
متيم بالألوان الغامقة التي تغزو لوحاته كتعبير عن العذاب والمآسي التي مر بها الكرد ولا ينسى إضافة ألوان فاتحة كعبارة عن الأمل والتفاؤل باستمرار الحلم والحياة فتبدو من بعض الزوايا وبعيون أخرى لوحات مفعمة بالحياة وفي أحايين كثيرة تكون إضاءته كبوصلة طريق الخلاص.لوحاته كالكردي المتفائل على الدوام والذي يقيم بعد معارك الحرية ورغم جراحه حفلات رقص بريئة مليئة بالصبايا والزهور . الفنان الشاب ديلاور أحد طلاب المدرسة التجريدية حيث يجرد كل ما يراه من حقيقته ويهدمه ويعيد صياغته كما يريده سلطان اللون في داخله, أقام ثلاثة معارض في لوزان ونال إعجاب الأستاذة والمختصين في مجال الفن وأمتع الحضور, المعرض الأخير كان عنوانه البرزخ بين النور والحلم يحاول التركيز وإبراز مآسي قومه الكرد وغيرهم من المظلومين.مقيم منذ سنوات في سويسرا له بصمته الخاصة على اللوحة حيث لا يحرر الريشة ولا يقيدها آملا ً تعليم الريشة نوع أخر من المغامرة على اللوحات.
بقلم امين عمر
Painter Delawer Omar is of kurdish origin from the current Syrian ruled Western Kurdistan.In a early morning of october 15th 1986, on a chilled day of damascus delawer omar opened his eyes to the world he was to know through art and painting. Despaired of living in peace and harmony with their true identity as kurds, Delawer’s family fled the country in 1997 in hope for a better future in Switzerland. Delawer’s father was a political prisoner for many years, his exile to Europe and the hardships he encountered, played a major role in shaping Delawer’s desire to paint. Nevertheless, there are number of other significant factors that inspires the painter to colorize his creative imagination that presents abstract and expressionist art.In his paintings, Delawer referres to the past and the future, he seize to portray the lack of human rights and identity experienced in Kurdistan and rest of the world. He paints his affection towards women’s rights and is fascinated by the unfair life of the poor vs the rich. Delawer has always been passionate about being creative, his observant eyes and senses capture experiences exposed through painting. He started to develop his drawing skills at an early age, he was punished numerous times at elementary school for drawing on the school desks, chair and even the walls.
In middle school, Delawer was encouraged by one of his father’s friends to paint at his workshop to further expand his creative skills. Delawer Omar is a strong believer in dreams becoming reality and stays loyal to one of his art-heroe’s statement ”everything you imagine is real” Pablo Picasso. He combines imagination with reality, sadness with happiness, bright with dark, where the bright colors are indication of joy and future, dark colors are sadness and in just in the present world.
In 2005 ”The Role of Culture” a small exhibition promoting younger generation artists in Switzerland, invited Delawer Omar, only 17 years old, to present his work, this was his first exhibition. already by 2009 he had participated in three successful exhibitions that contributed to detect and foster his artistic talent. Till now he has been able to present his art in six different exhibitions, nontheless, his paintings have been displayed by galleries, websites and also in libraries in Norway.
Currently Delawer is a fulltime student, however, his art has never been a part-time occupation, rather a passion that continues to expand. The works of Delaware’s an extraordinary adventure in the world of color and emotion. His works have the power to make us see directly the color processing. It uses complementary colors applied vigorously. The prospect of these colors appears related to objects, shapes and silhouettes clearly settled in his works. We feel, with the vibrations of his palette, he joined the movement Fauvism. By choosing pure color and sometimes violent, we can detect the assertion of emotions translated by the juxtaposition of flat areas of colors on his canvases. Keeping his eyes fixed on long his works, we enter a trance, a freedom. Our focus is to blend back to the canvas and returns to its depth. They say that what is distinct is indirect. A metaphor or a shield, both of us development on the integrity of self. Freedom of respect. Respect his liberty. We feel that it is the spirit that is direct, as lyrical imagery and sunny.
A pure form in the center, often white, to breathe and sharing his release. The reaction of chaos around that do not reach it. Sensitive works of Delaware offers a wonderful opening to his vision. Let’s emotional!
Text by Melissa Mountain