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الفنون التشكيلية | الشرق الأوسط

الموقع هو إهداء إلى كل محبي الفنون الجميلة. لمشاهدة أكثر من 12000 من أعمال الفنانين التشكيليين. الموقع هو ملك لكل الفنانيين التشكليين العرب فالرجاءالإتصال بناإن كانت هناك رغبه في عرض أعمالك الفنيه على فنون دوت كوم مجانى. مراسلة الموقع

  • الموقع ينتقي كل مايعرض من أعمال.
  • أكثر من 750 فنان وفنانه عرب و12,000 عمل فني من المنطقه العربيه والشرق الأوسط.
  • أكثر من 2 مليون ونصف مشاهده تأتي من 120,000 زياره شهريا, إستخدم البحث لتجد ماتريده أو على الرابط.
  • الموقع ليس به إلا إعلان  لكل صفحة.
  • النشر على الموقع مجاني للمحترفين والهواه, وهنا التفاصيل.
  • الموقع به متجر لبيع الأعمال ومطبوعاتها وإن كان في بدايته – رابط.
  • الموقع له صفحه على الفيس بوك رابط.

للمزيد عن الموقع

بنقره واحده يمكن أن تشارك أصدقاءك  ماتحب من فنون تشكيليه على هذه الصفحه

  • Over 750 artists.
  • 12000 artwork photos.
  • Over million and half views from 120,000 visits a month.

Fenon.com is a dedicated fine arts gallery fromthe Middle East. Our goal is to give a clear vision and shed some lights on that kind of different and unique fine arts works. We are adding new galleries every week. Hopefully, we will be able to launch new Art categories such photography and Digital Graphics.”

I’ve started this project/website in 1999 to give a clear vision on Egyptian fine artists only but  the it has been expanded to reach more countries in the Middle East. If you are a fine artist and would like to add your artwork photos to our albums, you may contact us here or you can add it your self, it is free. Unfortunately, the utter lack of the art enthusiasm and education on its optimum status. Most of the Middle Eastern Education systems couldn’t care less about the fine art, schools and institutions through all education stages, from the early age of elementary schools to the universities and college degree.

Art is not the elitist kind of education but it is a necessary sense of love and a better living. Most Middle Eastern think of an artist as an out-of-mind personality but spiritual. A big airy with un-groomed beard. It is sad to find out this is a true fact.

Fenon.com is a dedicated website for the pioneer and the contemporary fine arts, in the Middle East. Its first publish appearance was late 1999 and early 2000. At that time it specialized only for Egyptian Fine Artists. The project has been expanding to carry more fine art from vast of categories, schools, cultures and Geo-locations.

My goal is to give a clear vision and spot some lights at the Middle East Fine Arts. I am adding new galleries every week hopefully I will be able to cover other categories of arts.

  • Enjoy the art, vote and comment
  • No Ads
  • Focused on Arts
  • Unlimited space
  • Upload your artwork
  • No Badware
  • I am adding new categories
  • Photography, Handcrafts, Caricature will be added
  • No need for visitors to login in to browse gallery
  • you can send eCards to your friends for free.

The Middle East Fine Artists Blog:

You are inside it right now and you can comment on any article or contact us if any questions or requests.

The Middle East Fine Artists Directory:

This is a wiki open project similar to Wikipedia, you and others can build it. No body is 100% responsible for its data base. everyone can add modify information about art, artists or general topics about fine arts. to access click on